Mexican American War 1846
Battle for Palo Alto
20mm Figures by Michael Callus
Rules Regimental Fire and Fury
Battle for Palo Alto
20mm Figures by Michael Callus
Rules Regimental Fire and Fury
Initial deployment with the chaparral beyond the road
Second session sees the high tide of the Mexican advance
The main attack of the Mexican right wing hitting
the battery sending it silenced and damaged but
not enough elan to breakthrough
With most Mexican cavalry leaving the battlefield
broken the left flank was turned by the
American flying batteries
Trying to regroup and under the threat of U.S dragoons
Last and final session
Arista's command disintegrates rolling a 1 for base morale
with a -1 for heavy casualties and greater losses the cavalry
broke and fled
On the Mexican left the cavalry threat forced the infantry
to form square
US flying artillery with cavalry outflank
In a final spur of defiance La Vega charges a depleted
spent regiment with the hope of breaking through
and capturing the limbered battery
The supporting Mexican artillery pivots to enfilade
the outflanking US batteries damaging and
silencing a gun section
The Charge falters
US cavalry charges and destroy the
supporting battery
Mexicans rout and retire to
Resaca de La Palma